Active projects
Texts about Web accessibility in Portuguese
Here you can find texts about Web accessibility translated into Portuguese. Its goal is to allow collaborators propose relevant texts about the theme and, after discussed, they be translated by our working group.
We are always in need of people who can translate texts in other languages into Portuguese, and people does not need to know neither HTML or about accessibility previously. We look forward to our work helping inspire new projects, which today, August 2016, are unimaginable by the Portuguese speaking web dev community.
History of the Web in Portuguese
Here you can find texts about the history of the Web from its beginning to date in Portuguese, from either worldwide abrangency and specific from Brazil.
More than just presenting a timeline, the purpose is to go beyond and be a guideline to people understand what was made to reach the point where the Web is, and potentially inspire actions to make a better future
History of technology events
This project is dedicated to document the history of technology event, especially the community ones, which are relevant either on Brazil or worldwide.
It is a ramification of História da Web em português and we aim that, apart from knowing the historical value of what has already been done, this initiative help organizers to learn from past events, improving the integration of the web developres comunity.
Initial motivation
See Repositórios adicionais aos desdobramentos da carta aberta ao Todos@Web (only in Portuguese at this moment).